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Our Research

CME affecting Earth

The Space Weather Center provides key information on the current state of the solar activity, the solar wind, the magnetosphere, and the ionosphere at the global and local levels.

The Sun cannot affect the Earth and humans directly because our planet has two shields, the magnetosphere and the atmosphere, preventing most dangerous energetic particles and the solar wind plasma from reaching the ground. Meanwhile, variable space weather creates numerous indirect effects in the ionosphere, magnetosphere and atmosphere that may be dangerous for the technosphere and people.  

Our research lab is dedicated to advancing the field of space weather control and prediction in order to better understand geoeffective events that can impact technology and infrastructure.


 We investigate a wide range of topics, including properties and features of propagation of large-scale magneto-plasma structures, namely, geoeffective coronal mass ejections and stream interaction regions and dynamics of smaller-scale structures, such as current sheets and plasma flux ropes.  Turbulence and magnetic reconnection associated with particle acceleration are also a focus of our Center. 

Our work is crucial for predicting and mitigating the effects of space weather on our technology and infrastructure. We are committed to sharing our findings with the scientific community and the general public. Check out our publications to learn more about our research. For any inquiries or collaboration opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or collaboration suggestions, please contact Dr. Olga Khabarova 


fax: +972-3-6409282

Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Kaplun building.

Tel-Aviv University , P.O.B 39040, Ramat Aviv,  6139001, Tel Aviv 69978

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